This is a great list. This is exactly the type of reflection that I'm hoping for.

A note about the @import for CSS: Each import will fire off an HTTP request for that file. So, in a "production" environment (dumb name for live site) - we'd want to concatenate all of those CSS files together into 1 file. We'll do that a bit further on. But I just want to make sure everyone knows what is happening there. Also, a fun project would be to see how PHP could help with that.

RE: N color pallets, I'd love to see this in a grid so we can see them all onscreen at the same time.

RE: posture and sitting for long periods of time: Obviously a great chair will help. But what do you do with your hands/arms when you aren't typing? Do you rest them on the computer keyboard? Do you leave your hand on the mouse? Consider adopting a different hand position. You can rest them on your lap, to your sides, in the air etc. Anywhere but on the keyboard / when you aren't typing. I think of it as "thinking time" - and "typing time." I also switch between mouse and trackpad here and there.

Keep up the great work, Jose!

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